Saturday, March 9, 2013

I need a new hobby


I need a new hobby... Actually before we get to that let me just say a few words about myself so that way all you Eager McBeavers out there reading this (i.e. no one) get a feel for who your author is. So here are a few words about myself:

Candle, Barbell, Wink, Sink, Brink, and Link.

I think that should do it! So now back to the action: I need a new hobby. Being a Physics Grad student is great and all and while I have plenty of duties awaiting me (diagonalizing n by n matrices, time evolving ground state wave functions, etc.) I want to make something! WITH MY BARE HANDS! I want to chop down a tree, while building a computer as I white-water raft down a river. And because I cannot do any of those things separate or simultaneously, I'm starting, yet another, blarg.

So strap in, wait for the drop, mind the gap, and watch your head.

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